Series EDIC-mini Weeny
Professional recorders “Еdic-mini Weeny” intended for making high quality record of voice messages into built-in flash memory. The recordings can be further uploaded onto the PC/tablet/smart phone and other devices supporting external carrier connection. The series includes small-sized voice recorders featuring digital microphones and internal flash memory.
Series EDIC-mini Dime
Professional recorders “Еdic-mini Dime” intended for making high quality record of voice messages into built-in flash memory. The recordings can be further uploaded onto the PC/tablet/smart phone and other devices supporting external carrier connection. The series includes small-sized voice recorders featuring digital microphones and internal flash memory.
Series Edic-mini Card24S
The series of professional voice recorders Edic-mini Card24S. The main task of these voice recorders is to record information in the most difficult acoustic conditions. Ensuring the safety of the life and dignity of its owner, protection and safety of information.
Series EDIC-mini Tiny
Series EDIC-mini Tiny 16
Tiny16 series is very popular among audio recording professionals because of its high technical characteristics: 16 bit audio codec, which provides high quality recording, build-in AGC system with the oportunity to adjust the record mode to the environmental conditions and highly sensitive microphone (10-12 m).
Tiny 16 recorders have a built-in clock, a calendar, password access protection, Voice Activation System (VAS), a timer to turn start recording at an assigned time, digital watermark, extremely low power consumption and wide frequency band 100-10,000 Hz.
Series EDIC-mini Card
Series EDIC-mini Card16
Series EDIC-mini Tiny+
Series EDIC-mini PRO
We announce a new series of the Edic-mini Pro recorders. The professional recording quality, a reliable autonomy (up to 240 hours), and a convenient high speed interface are the distinguishing features of the new series. Wider functionality - the possibility to play the recordings back using headphones or upload them onto a computer as standard audio files. OLED indicator provides high-contrast and wide-angle viewing. Added date label function.
Series EDIC-mini Plus
Our experience and new technologies application helped us to noticeably improve the quality of audio recording and make the recorder’s autonomy more reliable by means of reduced power consumption. Edic-mini Plus recorders have USB 2.0 interface, 16 bit audio codec, which allows to digitize the signal more precisely, time marking – the date of the beginning and end of the recording. Maximum built-in memory capacity has acquired record-breaking size - 100 days. Miniature sizes, opportunity to play the recording back promptly, using the headphones and a wide range of accessories.
Series EDIC-mini LCD
LCD voice recorders are of small size and weight, have a long record duration (varies with the modification - up to 1200 hours) and autonomy operation (up to 350 hours), a wide dynamic range and a highly sensitive built-in microphone. Having no moving parts, the DVR is able to function within a wide range of temperatures, under strong vibration and dustiness.
For the user's convenience while operating the recorder, there is a push-button manipulator (joystick) and a liquid-crystal display to indicate all the information needed, including built-in clock/real-time timer.
Series EMM Tiny

By the way, our E60 voice recorder with external power supply served as a fundamental tool in in studying of wild lynx in northern Canada. Click to the picture with lynx!
Series Edic-mini LED
Series EDIC-mini RAY+
Series EDIC-mini 3D-recorder
Series Witness
Witness digital recorder is a professional device intended for making high quality record of voice messages into built-in flash memory. The first generation of the Witness voice recorder is perfect for you if you don't need or have no opportunity to reset your recordings on your PC. The amount of memory is enough to use the recorder during the working week.
Series EDIC-mini 24bs
EDIC-mini 24bs series distinguishes with high record quality thanks to 24 bit audio codec and possibility to choose Stereo record mode.
Series EDIC-mini microSD
Voice recorders of SOROKA series are designed to record audio with the built-in digital MEMS microphone to the micro SD memory card or micro SDHC Class4 or higher.
Series Credit Card Sized Recorders
Technical Support
Series Non-linear Junction Detectors Cayman
Non-linear junction detectors Cayman are used for search operations.
- Detection of active and passive electronic eavesdropping devices;
- Searching for mobile phones and SIM cards;
- Checking of mail and packages for contraband or forbidden objects containing semiconductors;
- Inspection of people.
Series Non-linear Junction Detectors Lornet
The non-linear junction detectors LORNET are used for search and location of electronic devices both in active and switch-off state.
Series Explosive Detectors
Timely detection of explosives, explosive objects and revealing of explosion organizers has a great significance for prevention of terrorism acts. It can be done by checking clothes, hands and things of a suspect. If there are any elements of explosives, they will be detected. Usually dogs and large complicated equipment are used for these operations however this circumstance does not allow of checking suspect object to be effective.
Devices of these series are designed for detection of explosives and explosive devices with electronic fuses (activation system).
Series Contraband Detectors
Series Subsurface Radars
- nondestructive testing of structural components of buildings (brickwork, wall panels, cast in place concrete and reinforced concrete, etc.) for the purpose of searching for buried objects (wiring, reinforcement, voids, various kinds of discontinuities and alien bodies);
- for sounding in soils and rock with low and moderate attenuation of radio waves: in sandy soils, moist and dry, in dry clay loam, in rock, limestone, permafrost.
Series Selective Detectors
Series Hidden Video Cameras Detectors
Devices of this series are intended to detect small-size video surveillance (video cameras), camouflaged in the interior items, clothing, household goods, handbags, cases and etc. Models have different operation principle and the detection range.
Series Surveillance and Control Devices
Series Inspection Equipment
Devices of the series are intended for search, surveillance and inspection of hard to reach and remote places.
Series Authenticity Detectors