Watch the video to witness the process of manufacturing of world's smallest audio recorders.
The journalist from the "Russia today" TV Company visited the office and the production department of our manufacturing company Telesystems.
The journalist from the "Russia today" TV Company visited the office and the production department of our manufacturing company Telesystems.
You may use the direct link to watch the video from the You-tube site.
Watch the video to witness the process of manufacturing of world's smallest audio recorders.
The journalist from the "Russia today" TV Company visited the office and the production department of our manufacturing company Telesystems.
The journalist from the "Russia today" TV Company visited the office and the production department of our manufacturing company Telesystems.
You may use the direct link to watch the video from the You-tube site.
From Idea to Realization
What is the most important aspect in the manufacture of the world tiniest recorders? Where is the catch? Know-how? What is inside our recorder? What are the production stages? Who is involved into each of the stages?
These are the questions our customers are mostly interested in. Together with other important questions they were put to the production director of our manufacturing company Telesystems.
How did the idea of miniature Edic-mini recorders come about?
We owe this idea to the President of Telesystems Ltd. Korshun I. V., who made this firm decision to occupy recorder production niche 10 years ago. The first recorder to be manufactured by Telesystems Company bore the name Edic mini A (with the capacity up to 70 min). The process started with the development of software and circuit technology. We developed the program and the recorder’s board. The recorder was in a plastic case with the opportunity to connect headphones; the model had LPT-port adapter. This was the very first recorder that stimulated production of the first series of recorders.
Then at that time in the early 90s the recorders powered by batteries and rechargeable batteries (А1, А2, B1, B2 etc) were put into production. The names for the recorders (A and B) were selected to specify the type of power supply. A – rechargeable battery power supply (Accumulator), B – battery power supply.
The name Edic-mini itself is abbreviated too: E – electronic, Dic – recorder (Dictaphone), mini – means tiny. Audio-video recorders (mAVRs) appeared later.
The variety of models is also worth mentioning. Why are they so numerous?
That’s right, there are numerous models, but each recorder has its own alternate design: all the Tiny models are operated by one RecManager program, all the Tiny16 models – by the other RecManager, and that applies to each of the series. Models are really growing in numbers. The recorder’s appearance is one of our important tasks, meanwhile we are constantly striving for miniaturization. As far as the new models are concerned I would like to draw your attention to the unusual case of the A45S Model that represents a miniature pipe. Another line of LCD and PRO series newcomers put on the market the first cases with displays.
What is more important - size or functionality?
Both form and material of the recorder are equally important. As a rule, a reliable metallic case is in much greater demand. Leather cases keep pace – such models occupied their niche as fashionable gadgets for young people.
What is the most important thing in a recorder?
Well, I think, this is Software. The program on the flash of each of our recorders is our know-how. It is impossible to crack the program as it has a reliable protection system. At first our software wasn’t good enough. It is not always possible to simulate that very situation that the user applies our recorder. For example we received proposals from our clients to lengthen microphone for more comfortable recording – that’s how remote microphones appeared. We always take into account our customers’ requests. We often fulfill individual orders, under condition that the order corresponds to the possibilities of our software. We are also ready to fulfill engraving by order.
It should also be noted that our recorders have special marks that identify record integrity – the audio scan process will confirm that nothing has been removed, added or changed from the track. The record is the same as it was produced.
What are the distinguished features of Edic-mini compared to the recorders of other manufacturers?

The tiniest size. We have already registered our digital audio recorders in Guinness World Records as the world's smallest: A2M - in 2004, B21 - in 2007, A31 - in May, 2009.
Also our Software is unique - it provides much more opportunities and functions. It is easy to work with – you can connect it to your PC, setting the recorder’s parameters you need. It is much easier than manual setting in the recorder itself.
The Interface of the program is transparent and even PC-novice can successfully apply it in his work with the recorder. We should also point out timers, as well as the opportunity to set sample rate improving recording quality.
Would you give us a detailed description of development and production phases?
Development phase includes:
• Circuit technology – the component arrangement in order to dispose all the components accordingly;
• Case circuit design;
• Software development.
Production phase includes the following sub-phases:
• Circuit-board work;
• Circuit-board assembling;
• Firmware insertion into flash-memory circuit;
• Case manufacture, engraving – if necessary;
• Product control – testing;
• Program, microphone, record testing etc;
• Assembly;
• Quality Control Department testing;
• Pre-sales test from storehouse;
Intermediate operations:
- Instructions writing and printing;
- Packaging.
It is necessary to emphasize that circuit technology is the same in our recorders. It is the component arrangement that varies, depending on the case and the source of power supply. The main difference between the series is the tamper-proof Software that is inserted into flash-memory.
Many components of Edic-mini plastic cases are produced on laser beam machine. To glue cases we use ultrasound equipment. Many metallic cases of the recorders are processed on air-sand machines. Learn more here.
When manufacturing plastic cases for some of our recorders we apply matte paint for soft-touch coating. Learn more here.
Defective production – what measures do you take against it?
We are striving for improving production technology. That’s the only way to avoid faulty production. Whatever the development is, Software is easy to be corrected, but technology aspects are not. Our technologists are working at it.
In many cases microscope microcomponent soldering is required – man’s work instead of machines’ is especially important here. When developing new models at first we produce preproduction series with 3-5 items that undergo all the necessary tests. Each item is controlled according to the following instructions:
The program is tested; the component’s operation and the work of the device itself are tested together with the program. Then the item goes to Quality Control Department, where each item is tested. The last stage is the pre-sales control. Each item of our production undergoes such testing.