Dear Partners!
We happy to inform that NLJD Lornet Star now features also 800 MHz antenna with spectrum analyzer!
Lornet STAR - non-linear junction detector characterized:
- integrated spectrum analyzer of 2nd and 3rd harmonics (antenna modules for 800 and 2400 MHz)
- interchangeable transmitter-receiver modules of 3 possible frequency bands: 800 MHz, 2400 MHz and 3600 MHz (optional).
Because of differences in nonlinear characteristics of true and false semiconductors, responses of second and third harmonics will have different intensity.
- true semiconductor gives more strong response at the 2nd harmonic
- false semiconductor shows more strong response at the 3d harmonic
! Qualitative NLJD Lornet STAR with spectrum analyzer (now for 800 or 2400 MHz) has the ability to compare signal magnitude of the 2nd and 3d harmonics and confidently detect correct devices!
Lornet Star delivery set can include up to 3 interchangeable antenna modules from 5 available:
- Lornet Star //08 - with antenna module for 800 MHz
- Lornet Star //08s - with antenna module for 800 MHz with spectrum analyzer
- Lornet Star //24 - with antenna module for 2400 MHz or
- Lornet Star //24s - with antenna module for 2400 MHz with spectrum analyzer
- Lornet Star //36m - with antenna module for 3600 MHz
To see full description, photos and possible modifications, please click here