A newcomer S64: Tiny & shiny!

It happens that recorder may discharge in unsuitable moment and there is no opportunity to charge it. To keep all the information it is great to have a device which can be charged by something which is available for everyone and everywhere, for example, sunlight. And we are glad to offer you such device! 

We present new development item – a miniature digital recorder Edic-mini Tiny 16 S64 with solar power supply.

The device, just like all the recorders of Tiny 16 series, is remarkable for high quality of sound due to much sharper signal digitizing by 16-bit audio codec. The application of state-of-the-art element base as well as the solar cell at the front panel of Edic-mini Tiny 16 S64 enables it to enhance autonomous operation time as compared to the other models of the series. The device can provide more than 50 hours of battery life at fully charged battery in record mode and up to 4,5 months in standby mode. 

If you want to prolong battery life of autonomous operation it is enough to place it under the sun or some other source of bright light.

Edic-mini Tiny 16 S64 is distinguished by its multitasking functionality. A record is protected against forgery by a specially developed system of markers. Built-in AGC system (Automatic Gain Control) enables it to provide high-quality recording in noisy areas automatically lowering too heavy sounds and enhancing faint ones.

Please see the detailed description here.

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