Become our distributor
We are proud to collaborate with our distributors.
We intive new dealers to distribute the world's smallest professional digital autdio recorders from the Guinness World Records holder.
Become our distributor


Become our distributor
We are proud to collaborate with our distributors.
We intive new dealers to distribute the world's smallest professional digital autdio recorders from the Guinness World Records holder.
Become our distributor
Special offer for dealers.

We welcome new business contacts, be it our new partners or distributors, or customers. We always provide appropriate services and support our business partners with advertising and exhibition materials, free demo samples and favorable terms of payment.

We support our business partners in their marketing and sales efforts:

  • Joint participation in exhibitions
  • Providing with marketing and advertising materials for exhibitions and advertising purposes, such as advertising texts, advertising printed materials and dummies
  • Marketing and sales support in our promoting actions
  • Sales support in regular business activity, according to a business partner level
  • Please, forward your co-operation inquiries using our contact information

Everything you need to gain profit by effective cooperation with us is provided! Join us!

Privacy Policy

All and any contact information recieved by e-mail, fax or phone is treated as confidential and cannot be shared with any third party except our partners, which may assist in serving an inquiry.

We guarantee that provided contact information will be used just to keep contact with our customers and in no other relation.

We do not sell, share or distribute in any other way any contact information, except the information specially intended for open use, like contact details of our partners given on our web site.
